My condominium garage: standards to comply with

What is allowed in my condominium garage? What are appropriate and inappropriate practices for this common space? For the sake of safety and harmonious coexistence, there are rules and principles that we must all respect.

In this article we will address some rules that you must follow to ensure a pleasant environment in your condominium garage.

garagem do meu condomínio

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My parking space

The building’s garage is generally considered a common part of the condominium. Therefore, each condominium owner with a parking space is a co-owner of it. The exception occurs when, in the constitutive title of the horizontal property, it is stipulated that the garage belongs exclusively to a specific fraction, an unusual situation.

Often, this shared space becomes the scene of conflicts between residents. Some of these conflicts can be resolved based on the law, while others depend on the common sense and civility of their users, as we explain here.

What can I bring into my garage?

Only cars, motorcycles, bicycles and similar vehicles are allowed in your condominium’s garage. In other words, parking spaces in the garage must not be used for purposes other than parking. Not being considered a storage area, the building’s garage must not contain cabinets, shelves, crates, firewood, etc., in other words, it must keep the space unobstructed.

For example, in the event of a fire, the insurance company may refuse to cover the damage if it is proven that the garage contained unsuitable structures and objects, so avoid bringing unnecessary objects into your garage.

A neighbor parked outside your spot. What should I do?

Um morador que ultrapassa os limites do seu lugar e estaciona o carro de forma inadequada (às vezes bloqueando a passagem) ou, pior ainda, utilizando o lugar do vizinho como se fosse seu, deverá ser chamado à razão. 

Para evitar conflitos e mal-entendidos, normalmente, os espaços individuais na garagem coletiva são demarcados e devem ser respeitados. Em condomínios onde os lugares não estão delimitados, a assembleia de condóminos deve decidir e proceder à sua demarcação. 

Quando alguém estaciona fora dos limites do seu lugar, a polícia não pode intervir. Esta é uma questão de direito privado e não público. No entanto, há formas de agir. 

De acordo com a Associação Portuguesa das Empresas de Gestão e Administração de Condomínios (APEGAC), nestes casos, os condóminos devem recorrer ao regulamento do condomínio, exigido por lei, e decidir pela aplicação de coimas para que o vizinho infrator deixe de estacionar inadequadamente. 

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Can I store gas cylinders?​

It depends. If the garage is located below ground, it is not permitted by law. In garages at ground level, you cannot have more than two cylinders (full or empty), which must always be vertical.

Furthermore, storage must be carried out in a properly identified cabin, easily accessible for firefighters and well ventilated, with a cemented floor covered with ceramic or compacted earth. These rules also apply to the interior of apartments and outbuildings.

Can I use electricity and water from the condominium?

No. The condominium’s water and electricity outlets cannot be used for personal benefit. These resources are exclusively intended for services and common areas such as washing spaces, watering gardens, lighting stairs, etc. being paid by all condominium owners.

Can I rent the parking space in my condominium?

It depends. This decision is subject to the specific nature of the property. If the place is defined as an autonomous fraction in the constitutive title of the horizontal property, the owner has the right to sell it. However, if the place is linked to the condominium owner’s housing and is not considered an independent unit, separate sale is not permitted.

Regarding renting a space in the collective garage, there are no specific restrictions.

Charging station for my electric car

Since 2010, new buildings with parking spaces must have an adequate electrical infrastructure that allows the installation of a charging station or socket in each parking space.

However, for buildings built before 2010, the installation, at the expense of the interested condominium owner, of battery charging points or electrical sockets is permitted. If the installation has to pass through a common part, the condominium owner must communicate his intention to the condominium administration, in writing and at least 30 days before the date on which he intends to carry out the installation. If you don’t get a response, you are legally authorized to move forward!

Find out more about this topic in our article Charging electric cars in condominiums: challenges and incentives.

Can I have an LPG car in the garage?

Since 2013, LPG vehicles have been allowed to park in closed, ventilated, below-ground parking lots. As an obligation, they must visibly display the green GPL sticker.

Garage expenses

With regard to expenses associated with the condominium’s garage, the usual practice is to divide it between condominium owners when this space is considered part of the common area. Each condominium owner contributes proportionally to the value of their fraction, unless the condominium regulations establish an equitable sharing.

Condominium owners without a parking space or those who choose not to use this space are excluded from this responsibility.


In short, the condominium garage is a shared space, subject to specific standards. Proper understanding and application of these guidelines is crucial to maintaining the harmony and good functioning of this common space. Respect for legislation, other users and established rules is essential to guarantee peaceful coexistence between condominium owners.

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